So I’ll go with a quick one this morning…
Grong Grong is the band name, album name, and title of the first track. I store it in my suite of music that can be used in torture sessions, right along Don Ho’s “Tiny Bubbles” and Barney’s “I Love You” songs. It’s horrible, horrible, horrible stuff. If the band actually tried to sing or play their instruments, I’d call it music. I saw one guy refer to the band as “unsung pioneers.” Dude, they were just plain unsung. The only reason I got this album was because it was free. I bought it almost 20 years ago, and I can remember how awful it was as if it were only yesterday.
It’s a 1 on the 1-10 scale. I’m not going to be cute or clever and give it a minus or a zero. The 1 is for music that’s as bad as it can get, and this is just that.