Monthly Archives: July 2024

Time to Speak My Mind

Lately, I have chosen to avoid making political statements most of the time. I make an exception to say that I do see a great and grave danger in the Republican Party platform, politicians, and recent history. I see their calls for voting security result in vigilantes suppressing black voters as in days of segregation. I see their calls to support the family result in laws that bind women and children to abusive husbands. I see their calls for cheaper energy not only pollute our nation more, but oppress Native Americans and violate treaties one more painful time.

I see them demanding better conditions for the common American, but they vote so often to line the pockets of the rich.

Not all legislation that emerged from Republicans or the Trump administration was terrible: there were some good things, and they deserve acknowledgement. It is not like Republicans are an enemy that must be destroyed. Rather, I see them as deeply misguided – a people that must be taught with patience and love.

But know this: I do see those who vote for Republican politicians as people who will one day deeply bemoan their choice. Their leaders obscure their true intentions and have repeatedly shocked their followers with cruel laws that the judges they have appointed will uphold. There is no question in my mind that a vote for a Republican is a vote against freedom.

Why do I say that? I say that because, collectively, the Republicans are polluting the nation, ignoring our international obligations, stripping women of rights and dignity, and restoring Segregation. I am opposed to those things, so I will speak against them and vote for the party that is opposed to those things, and that means I will vote for the Democrats in November.