2019-11-11 As a Cold Front Approaches

The sun yields the floor to the clouds
Temperature falls, wind and drizzle
Remind the nose and ears there are seasons other than summer
The hemisphere tilts towards winter, towards snow,
Towards a quiet, dark blanket
Towards a stillness of thought

Time for a song to play while stepping on the damp leaves underfoot
A song about thinking about the year rolling to a close
A song about the life to spring forth in the future from the descending quiet
A quiet song, with motion underneath it all
A stirring beneath the bark as the hemisphere has its afternoon nap

It’s raining a little, so why not cry a few tears of thanksgiving?
Why not smile beneath the scarf?
Why not oil the heart with gratitude as the cheeks get wet?
It is cold, but I have warmth
I have love
I have forgiveness
I have hope
These are worth tears, worth the thanksgiving
These are worth a humble accounting
Here as the hemisphere spins ’round a darkened pole
There is a light within, sustaining

The cold outside is part of life
Therefore, I am thankful for that cold, that pain
Life is life
The lichen under the rock
The bear in the cave
The frog in the mud
Time for that song, the damp leaves song
The thankful song
The quiet, peaceful, grateful song.

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