The Earth Wrapped Up As a Scroll

What is meant by the expression, found in the Bible and elsewhere, about “the Earth wrapped up as a scroll”? Several things, all at the same time, because of the precision of God’s language.
1. When one finishes reading a scroll, one wraps it back up before returning it to the shelf upon which it is stored. The Earth, at the end of its time, will be prepared to return to where it once was – wrapped as a scroll.
2. In addition to the simile’s implication of return, there is also the implication of finality. There is a time, after which, we do not continue to experience time as such, but return to where God is: and where God is, there is no time.
3. Physics. Particularly those of a higher-dimensional order. Just as we can take a line of string, let that represent one dimension, we can bend it through a second for it to meet itself as a circle. Just as we can take a sheet of paper, let that represent two dimensions, we can bend it through a third for it to meet itself as a tube.
Given that God exists in a realm where time is not a relentless crumbler of mountains, such as we see it, but a direction that goes this way and that, then it stands to reason that the realm of God has sufficient dimensions necessary to behold the whole of creation as one.
Therefore, it stands to reason that with those sufficient dimensions, they would include those sufficient to bend the earth so that it meets itself in a higher-dimensional construct our language has not words to describe, but God’s language would, and precise ones, at that.
Speculation – the “wrapping together” would be, perhaps, a similar preparation as what was required for Moses, Abraham, and others to behold God? That all things must be transfigured in order to return to God and that, without a pure soul to match the pure body, we endure pain and discomfort in God’s presence, so much so that it would be best described as a burning lake of fire, or some other nigh-unthinkable torture to our minds?
Yet, such tortures are scripturally described solely as natural phenomena. There is no mention of God or any servant of God, or even Satan or his followers, meting out such punishments. These phenomena arise naturally, out of conditions brought about via a dichotomy of a pure body housing an impure spirit. The only cure for which is an appropriate distance from God.

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