Pelosi and Boehner: Speakers That Fall Silent

While they’re ready to blather on about their policy agenda, as soon as they’re asked about getting rich with actions that constitute insider trading for the rest of us, they lose their silver tongues. It’s legal for Congressmen to trade shares based on information they’re privy to through hearings. Why is it legal for them? Look at who makes the laws. Yeah.

While it’s legal, it looks sleazy. Neither Pelosi nor Boehner don’t want to own up to it, but their bank accounts and asset portfolios tell a different story. It’s both sides of the aisle, too. If anyone tries to turn this into some kind of partisan debate, I’m going to respond with a blast of his or her favorite Congressmen and all of their peccadilloes. ALL of them are crooks until proven innocent.

The fact is that this is only one aspect of the corruption that is endemic in all of Congress. Lobbyists, pork barrel spending, iron triangles, and revolving doors make a more complete picture. The real kick in the head is that I have to call corruption “other contributuions” or “other services” when coaching my students on how to write for the AP exam. Our curriculum is essentially blind to the fact that there is a gravy train that starts at Capitol Hill and extends clear across the Washington Mall and intervening streets to the White House.

3 thoughts on “Pelosi and Boehner: Speakers That Fall Silent

  1. Ugochi Ebinama

    Is it written in the constitution that a Congressman can make trading decisions?

  2. deanwebb Post author

    No, but it is written in the “Necessary and Proper Clause” that they can make up the rules for governing the nation.

  3. Nicole Pham

    isn’t it kind of a conflict of interest that congress can enact policies purely for personal gain?

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