I don’t know where you are on the government health care debate, but we all have to take note of the declining quantity and quality of employer-funded health care and privately-purchased health care. The US Census Data show that, as a nation, over the last 10 years we’ve seen a steady decline in people receiving health care from their employer. The poorest Americans get picked up by programs designed to serve the very poor: the not-so-poorest wind up without any coverage at all.
Those with coverage are paying more for their insurance and/or receiving fewer benefits. Premiums are getting so huge, regular care is cheaper without insurance to get that $10 copay. And if you opt for a standard pay-as-you-go insurance system, watch out for the increasing deductible.
Honestly, the whole system is broken. If anyone so much as posts a blind comment that the market is always right, I’m going to shove his head into the subprime debacle, beat him with a rolled-up newspaper, and say “Bad Market! Bad Market!” over and over until he gets the big picture. The totally free market gave us snake oils and poisons in the early 1900s. Regulation got rid of most of the crooks: thank you government for protecting the citizens from bad guys.
And this isn’t about public health care, anyway. This is about private health care. It’s going away. Prices are consistently increasing at around 7% per year. As prices increase, employers are dropping coverage. Leave Obama’s plan out of the picture. Right now in America, the insurance companies, the hospitals, the doctors, the patients… NONE of them are getting the best of things, as a whole. Some are getting lucky, but most everyone complains about how awful things are. I hate to have to employ one of Dr. Phil’s brickbats, but the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results.
If Obama’s plan isn’t the answer, what is? And if there is no other answer, why aren’t all the rabid anti-Obama pit bulls not spinning a few cycles on coming up with a solution? Or are they just that deep in the back pockets of the few big corporations that are making huge profits by arbitraging the sick people of America?
I’ll say that again: If you don’t like Obama’s plan, then where is your plan? I’d like to hear it. Honestly. I have my doubts about Obama’s plan, but I don’t see anything else but empty blowhard rhetoric from crybaby namby-pamby spoilsports that are either consciously or unconsciously serving a very limited and very powerful interest that would sell you out in an instant if it made them another dollar in profit.
Think hard before you post a reply, because I’ve got plenty of rolled-up newspaper and that subprime pile of whatsit is pretty ferocious.