First Steps
Once computers were on the scene, animated GIFs began to be used for simple, mundane functions. This early example (below) shows how the construction industry turned to them for assisstance during times of manual labor shortages or for work on projects deemed too remote for human labor.
This early model was responsible, slow though it was, for 90% of the construction work on Nevada's Interstate Highway system. It also proved to be rugged and versatile enough to do much of the initial excavation and other ground-moving work on the famed Alaska pipeline. Later models of this workhorse GIF (below) incorporated flashing lights to make everything run faster and can now be seen nationwide on a variety of projects, from ditch-digging to website engineering.
Further animated GIFs were used in furthering research and operative treatments in cardiac medicine,
meteorology and electro-static engineering,
and important developments in aircraft instrumentation,
but it was not until a certain foursome from England came along in the early 60's that the animated GIF began to be used to its fullest potential in the entertainment industry.
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